Terms of References

For procurement of consulting companies, agencies, or team of individual experts for  development of technical studies for potential cooperative-like businesses led by Rural Women in Podrinje Region

I.     Background

Vive Žene- Centre for Therapy and Rehabilitation invites interested Consultants for Identifying Potential Co-Business Opportunities and Developing Technical Support Studies for Rural Women in Podrinje Region in a frame of project “Fostering Gender equality, Women’s empowerment as key element for rural development” supported by We Effect Europe.

The project makes efforts in addressing gender equality, empowerment of rural women, enhancing the capacities of Vive Žene and provision of strategic support to the Network “Rural women associations -Podrinje”. This set of objectives will contribute to sustainable livelihood in the rural communities as well as to increasing resilience at organisational and community level.

II. Objective of the assignment

The objective of this assignment is to analyse the social and economic landscape of existing women-led businesses in the Podrinje region. Based on this analysis and building upon the cooperative-based model, the assignment will propose business plans that explore opportunities for establishment or significantly expansion of existing businesses.

The objective will be achieved by:

  • Assessing the socio-economic landscape of existing women-led businesses in the Podrinje and identifying the interest of women in Podrinje region for establishment of cooperative-like businesses in production of:
  1. a) milk and milk products,
  2. b) wool products,
  3. c) fresh vegetable products, and
  4. d) fruit products.
  • Conducting socio-economic development study, assessing the current economic condition of the targeted women in Podrinje and foreseen state after applying the interventions elaborated with the recommended business plan for each of the proposed cooperative-like businesses. The study should provide a clear gender equality and women empowerment perspectives.
  • Development of business plan for each of the proposed cooperative-like businesses. Additionally, create a fifth business plan focused on establishing a local store to promote and sell agricultural products produced by women farmers that contributes to the proposed 4 cooperative-like businesses.
  • Preparing detailed full size project proposal based on the findings of the social development study, the economic development study, and the business plans.

Note: if founded relevant, the team of experts could merge the study and business plans for cooperative-like businesses in production of milk and wool products, especially if focused on ship diary sector.

III . Scope of Work

The selected consulting company, agency, or team of individual experts must ensure that the designated expert on social inclusion, the expert on economic development, and the expert responsible for business plan development are actively present in the field. These experts should take the lead in discussions with the stakeholders in Podrinje region, facilitating meaningful engagement and ensuring thorough data covered with the studies and business plans.

The scope of work considers implementation of the following main tasks:

1.   Conducting socio-economic studies.

This study aims to evaluate the current socio-economic conditions of the targeted women in the Podrinje region and project the anticipated outcomes following the implementation of interventions outlined in the recommended business plans for each proposed cooperative-like business.

In a nutshell, this study will assessing the socio-economic landscape of existing women-led businesses in the Podrinje. The experts should engage in consultations with at least 30 women in the Podrinje region, along with agriculture practitioners, cooperatives, and other relevant stakeholders. These discussions will help assess their needs, challenges, and opportunities in the production of milk and milk products, wool products, fresh vegetables, and fruits.

This task will enable experts to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the targeted sectors, allowing them to identify a wide range of opportunities. Once these opportunities are recognized, potential models for establishing strong cooperative-like businesses should be outlined, with the most suitable ones drafted in detail. These selected models should then be further discussed with women farmers to gather their feedback, assess their willingness to participate, and address any concerns. Additionally, all necessary social and economic data should be collected to ensure the development of a well-founded and detailed business plan.

The team of experts should develop:

  • Socio-economic study for potential establishment of cooperative-like business for production of milk and milk products.
  • Socio-economic study for potential establishment of cooperative-like business for production of wool products.
  • Socio-economic study for potential establishment of cooperative-like business for production of fresh vegetable products.
  • Socio-economic study for potential establishment of cooperative-like business for production of fruit products.
  • Socio-economic study for potential establishment of cooperative-like business for managing a local shop where all products produced by women farmers will be available for buyers.

Note 1: if found relevant, the team of experts could merge the socio-economic studies for cooperative-like businesses in production of milk and wool products, especially if focused on ship diary sector.

Note 2: the initial 4 socio-economic studies should communicate with the study for establishment of joined shop where products produced from women farmers will be available to the market.

Each socio-economic study should contain the following content:

  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Current socio-economic conditions of the women farmers in the Podrinje region in production of … [milk and milk products | wool products | fresh vegetable products | fruit products]
  • Results of the field consultation with stakeholders
  • Available options for addressing the needs and challenges
  • Selection and technical elaboration of the best available model
  • Vision [that will be achieved if we apply the best available option]

Socio-economic studies should serve as an input for the development of business plans.

2.     Development of business plans

Based on the socio-economic studies and selected best available model for establishment of cooperative-like businesses, the team of experts should prepare detailed business plan for each of the foreseen 5 cooperative-like businesses.

The plan should be made building upon the results of the market assessment that provides clear overview of the market size, market share, target customers, potential customers, their behaviors, and competitive landscape.

Once the foundation of the market assessment is clarified, the business plan should present the key findings of the market dynamics, emerging trends, potential value chain, and scenarios for the future market conditions based on the trends-based risks and assumptions.

The business plan should specify:

  • which women farmer will be included in the given cooperative-like business,
  • how each of them will be supported by the project (assets, equipment, marketing, training)
  • how she will contribute to the cooperative-like model,
  • what will be investment for each women farmer (further specified in the foreseen project application),
  • what will be the annual profit,
  • what will be the intended payback period, and
  • what will be difference between the current and foreseen economic parameters for each woman farmer after completion of the intervention.

To secure technical compliance of the proposed business plan, the project will separately contract agronomists (one for diary sector and one for fruits and vegetables) who will accompany the team of the selected consulting company, agency, or team of individual experts during their filed visit, discussion with the stakeholders and further support the process of development of the studies and business plan by provision of technical information and review of the draft documents.

The business plan should ensure that in case We Effect and Vive Zene manage to mobilize funds, they will have all necessary data to immediately enter the process of implementation and complete the project in a period of maximum 2 years. To do so, the business plan should guide us in what should be purchased for each specific farmer, what to be purchased for the cooperative for the joint use of all farmers, what type of specific training should be conducted, what would be the dynamics of the action etc.

3.     Preparing a detailed full size project proposal

Based on the findings of the socio-economic plan and the business plan for each of the proposed cooperative-like businesses, the team of experts should develop a project proposal for a full-size project that will secure the vision specified in the socio-economic plan is achieved.

The project proposal is expected to incorporate the following chapters:

  • Relevance of the action
  • Target groups and final beneficiaries
  • Foreseen improvement
  • Intervention logic
  • Description of activities
  • Methodology
  • Equipment, materials, and supplies
  • Coordination with complementary initiatives
  • Role and participation of actors and stakeholders
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Visibility plan
  • Action plan (table)
  • Sustainability of the project interventions
  • Budget
  1. Deliverables

The team of experts shold deliver the following deliverables:

Deliverable: Deadline:
D1. Socio-economic study for potential establishment of cooperative-like business for production of milk and milk products.
D2: Socio-economic study for potential establishment of cooperative-like business for production of wool products.[1]
D3: Socio-economic study for potential establishment of cooperative-like business for production of fresh vegetable products.
D4: Socio-economic study for potential establishment of cooperative-like business for production of fruit products.
D5: Socio-economic study for potential establishment of cooperative-like business for managing a local shop where all products produced by women farmers will be available for buyers.
Draft: May 30

Final: June 30

D6. Business plan for establishment of the selected cooperative-like business for production of milk and milk products.
D7: Business plan for establishment of the selected cooperative-like business for production of wool products.[2]
D8: Business plan for establishment of the selected cooperative-like business for production of fresh vegetable products.
D9: Business plan for establishment of the selected cooperative-like business for production of fruit products.
D10: Business plan for establishment of the selected cooperative-like business for managing a local shop where all products produced by women farmers will be available for buyers.
Draft: June 16

Final: July 15

D11: Full-size project application Draft: July 15

Final: August 15

VI. Duty travel & accommodation

The scope of work is entirely located in the region of Podrinje, South-East Bosnia and Herzegovina, near city of Tuzla.

The work considers at least two travels to Podrinje.

The first travel is expected to last two days to meet the stakeholders and target beneficiaries. The experts should engage in consultations with at least 30 women in the Podrinje region, along with agriculture practitioners, cooperatives, and other relevant stakeholders.  This field visit will aim to assess the socio-economic landscape of existing women-led businesses in the Podrinje, their needs, challenges, and opportunities in the production of milk and milk products, wool products, fresh vegetables, and fruits.

The second field trip will be predominantly organised in form of workshop where team of experts will be enabled to validate the data in their initial draft study and business plan, achieve agreement of the proposed cooperative-like models, and validate the actions foreseen by the initial draft project proposal. Once the validation and agreement by women farmers are achieved, the draft study, business plan and project proposal can be shared with Vive Zene for review and provision of comments and recommendation.

The travel and accommodation should be calculated in the gross financial proposal.

VII.Coordination & reporting

On behalf of Vive Zene, the project manager is nominated to communicate and coordinate the entire process of implementation of the contract. The project manager will also be in charge of receiving the draft document, secure they are reviewed by the agriculture experts, Vive Zene and We Effect, collect and compile their comments and recommendations and communicate them with the team of experts.

In the application, the applicant (consulting companies, agencies, or team of individual experts) should provide information who is nominate as a team leader. The team leader will oversee communication with the project manager in terms of administrative matters, deadlines, planning the field visits, and potential presentation of the findings.

Also, the applicant should clearly nominate the expert in charge of development of the specific set of documents. The nomination should be expressed as:

  • Nominated person in charge of development of the socio-economic studies is Ms/Mr _____
  • Nominated person in charge of development of the business pans is Ms/Mr ____________
  • Nominated person in charge of development of the project application is Ms/Mr _________

When it comes to coordination, the project manager of Vive Zene will communicate with the team leader nominated by the consulting companies, agencies, or team of individual experts. For specific tasks (development of the socio-economic studies, business plans and applications), the experts will communicate directly with the project manager but for any formal discussion, plan or decision, the nominated team leader of the companies, agencies, or team of individual experts should be copied to the communication. The project manager of Vive Zene will secure the separately contracted agriculture expert is timely briefed, hence her/his opinion is taken into consideration during the processes of planning and implementation.

The draft and final documents (socio-economic studies, business plans and applications) should be formally submitted by email To: mima@vivezene.ba and Cc: vivezene@bih.net.ba

VIII.   Qualification requirements

Mandatory criteria for the expert nominated for development of the socio-economic studies:

  • At least one socio-economic study developed
  • At least one social or socio-economic study with strong component of gender equality and/or women empowerment
  • Socio-economic study in agriculture will be considered as a strong asset

Mandatory criteria for the expert nominated for development of the business plans:

  • At least one business plan developed
  • Business study in agriculture will be considered as a strong asset

Mandatory criteria for the expert nominated for development of the project application:

  • At least one full-size project proposal developed
  • Project proposals focused on agriculture will be considered as a strong asset

IX.           Application procedure:

  • Deadline for application: March 15th, 2025
  • Type of application: email to mima@vivezene.ba and vivezene@bih.net.ba
  • Mandatory documents for submission:
  • CV of the expert nominated for development of the socio-economic study.
  • CV of the expert nominated for development of the business plan.
  • CV of the expert nominated for development of the project application.
  • Declaration of relationship with Vive Zene or with staff of Vie Zene.
  • Brief proposed methodology [max. 2 pages].
  • Financial offer.


The expert selected to develop the project application may also be the same expert nominated for the socio-economic study or the business plan development.

For companies and agencies, the financial offer should be expressed in BAM and lumpsum format where all components (administrative costs, experts’ fees, travel costs, VAT, personal tax, health insurance, travel insurance, legal fees, communication fees) are going to be included but NOT separately presented.

For team of individual experts, the financial offer should be expressed in BAM and lumpsum format for each of the proposed experts separately, where all components (administrative costs, experts’ fees, travel costs, VAT, personal tax, health insurance, travel insurance, legal fees, communication fees) are going to be included but NOT separately presented.

For any additional information you can contact Vive Zene through mail mima@vivezene.ba and Cc: vivezene@bih.net.ba

X.              Evaluation of the offers

Vive Zene will form evaluation committee consisted by three persons where the best offer will be chosen.

Best value for money principle will be taken into account by using a weighted scoring method to evaluate the combination of the applicants’ qualification (90%) and financial proposal (10%).


o    Technical evaluation (60points):


  1. Evaluation of the expert nominated for development of the socio-economic study:
  • Number of assignments in development of socio-economic studies [10 p.]
  • Number of developed socio-economic studies in agriculture [10 p.]
  • Number of assignments targeting gender equality and women empowerment [10 p.]
  1. Evaluation of the expert nominated for development of the business plan:
  • Number of assignments in development of business plans [10 p.]
  • Number of developed business plans in agriculture [10 p.]
  1. Evaluation of the expert nominated for development of the project application:
  • Number of assignments in development of project application [10 p.]
  • Number of developed project application in agriculture [10 p.]
  1. Proposed methodology for implementation of the assignment [20 p.]

Only the candidates which will reach the threshold of 60 %  (min 54 points out of 90 points) of the technical qualification will be considered for the financial evaluation. I recommend here we go with 90% technical and 10% financial.

o    Financial evaluation (40points)

The evaluation of the financial offers will be conducted in the following manner:

  • The offer with the lowest price shall receive the total of 40 points
  • The other offers with higher prices shall receive the respective score according to the following formula: 40* (Lowest Price / Proposed Price).

XII.       Terms of payment

The payment is considered to be implemented in two instalments:

  1. Upon signing the contract – 25% [indicative date: March 25th]
  2. Upon approval of all documents – 75% [indicative date: August 15th]

XIII.   Declaration of relationships

The Applicant shall describe if their organization/employees have any business or personal relationships with closely associated party from Vive Zene, its governing bodies and employees or with similar bodies/persons of the Vive zene.

Closely associated party (persons, physical or legal) as per We Effect’s definition is considered person who has the possibility to exert control over, or significant influence on, the other person when it comes to financial and operative decision-making concerning an activity. The purpose of the Declaration is to disclose such information which makes the application and evaluation process more transparent and supports the bids in its relevance according to conditions on the open market.

[1] if found relevant, the team of experts can merge the socio-economic studies for cooperative-like businesses in production of milk and wool products, especially if focused on ship diary sector.

[2] if found relevant, the team of experts can merge the business plan for cooperative-like businesses in production of milk and wool products, especially if focused on ship diary sector.

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